Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Lake Access Issue - Citizens Place Responsibility on the Mayor.

To All COLA LO Members,

The recent announcement that the City Council will take up the Lake Access issue as an agenda item has drawn substantial public comment from residents.   

The article link is posted below.  
Online comments are squarely placing the responsibility for this issue and the divisiveness within the community on the Mayor.  

Lake Access Floats  As one citizen states:

“If there is litigation, and I don’t know if there will be … I’d be concerned the city might be dragged into it,” Hoffman said. “At this point, I don’t anticipate the city being a primary defendant if someone were to file a lawsuit asserting the waters of Oswego Lake were public.”
If the mayor was REALLY that concerned he would let Todd Prager go! The mayor put Mr. Prager in his position and it is clear to me that Mr. Prager is abusing his role on the Planning Commission for his own personal ideology. What possible benefits would come from opening up the lake (even if one could) to all of the public? I think the citizens of the city are privy to the facts, and that the mayor has a bigger role in this than he wants the public to believe.

In another viewpoint an article published yesterday provides additional information with a position that the lake should be open only to LO residents who pay a fee.   The position can be found at:  Public Access

We expect to see much more controversy over the issue as the Council and others become involved.  Please notify all members, contacts, and friends.   

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