Monday, April 16, 2012

Online Comments to Tierney Announcement Surprisingly Harsh!

To All COLA LO Members,

This week after City Councilor Bill Tierney announced his candidacy, the citizen comments rolled in over two online sources.  Surprisingly the comments are very harsh showing little support for a sitting councilor.  

It appears the general lack of trust in local government will apply in the fall election according to the online comments. 

 Here are just a few of the statements online:

"Tierney said he wants to continue overseeing a high level of basic city services"
Really Bill? Really?No not really Bill- our basic city services such as street repair are taking a back seat to Jack Hoffmans' legacy desires. Instead of listening to us you only heard Jack telling you what to do and how to vote.
None of us will support you- as you don't support us.  "Elizabeth"

It's a shame Bill's verbage can't be put to good use on my garden as it would save me having to buy manure. Might as well re-elect another Sally for all the good he provided the City as a Hoffman lap dog these past four years. And you just know he'll roll over for Mayor 'Mac the Jack' if Judy's crew is elected to Council in November.  "Anti-Luke

Was the theft of private property through Bill's support of the "sensitive" lands farce a "positive force"? Only if you want to divide the city! The streetcar delay was to avoid our overwhelming vote AGAINST it in May. Who "reviewed the budget" for that multi-million dollar bathrooms on the lake that would prepare the way for the lake going public. Bill has only helped "carve" a deep divide in our city by those actions.
With the last election we began to make positive changes to the council. Lets continue that movement. "Mitch"

COLA LO believes citizens should review the record and also engage all the candidates on their views and philosophy of governance.   This is important prior to making any voting decision in the Fall.     

Councilor Tierney's record is well defined and he does ask poignant questions about the issues.   

Its up to the voters to decide if they believe he represents the community well enough to earn reelection. 

Please notify all members, contacts, and friends.   

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