Tuesday, September 27, 2011

COLA LO Board Member Challenges Water Bills

To all COLA LO Members,

Last week Board Member Dave Luck published an article in the LO Review challenging the cost of the largest capital project in LO's history,  the LO-Tigard water partnership.   In the article he claims that the cost of the project and current water bills is a an unfair burden on our senior citizens.  Essentially a regressive tax without a vote of the residents.  

The current projected cost of the project is approximately $230 million with a 30% possible increase and LO share is at approximately 50%.  This would require another $155 million + in debt be issued by the city which would be added to our water bills. 

The article can be found at:  Project costs prove a burden to our Seniors
This project which is the largest capital project in the city's history was never voted on by the residents of Lake Oswego similar to the WEB building and other projects.   Most citizens do not realize it even exists or that the potential costs will hit them in future years.   The council has consistently insisted that no vote on this project is necessary and approved expenditures without a vote.  

Former mayoral candidate John Surrett also wrote about this project in 2010 in an article in the LO review.  The article can be found at:   Take another look

The details of the project can be found at LO Tigard Water Partnership

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