Sunday, August 28, 2011

"Benefits of Foothills"article draws online criticism from residents.

To All COLA LO Members,

A recent article by a local resident and community leader attempts to establish the benefits of the Foothills Redevelopment plan proposed by the city as a public-private partnership.    The article attempts to reframe the argument for development as being for senior citizens and allowing them to sell their homes and move to the newer redevelopment area.

The project is part of the LORA agency and uses public funds for financing and pre development studies that come from property taxes within  the districts area.   Spending and projects are not subject to ballot measure voter approval by LO residents.  

The article has drawn strong criticism from residents online as many fear the project will become another South Waterfront disaster like in the City of Portland.  This project was driven by concepts from Portland's redevelopment effort including the Streetcar. 

The article can be found at: Benefits of Foothills Redevelopment.  Please notify all members, contacts, and friends.  

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