Monday, March 25, 2013

Portland Blogger Tells Us About the New Political Group in LO?

To All COAL LO Members,

Last week a liberal blogger provided more insight and details on the new LO political group forming in town.   Some of the details and perspective are interesting.   In the blog post Dead giveaway we learn more details on the new group.  

What may be more interesting is the public response to the blog post and comments by people in it.   here are just some of the online comments:

I don't think "their word" of vibrancy fits too well when it replaces natural green with grey! Unless they may be referring to vibrancy as in green dollars.
But then when plans actually deaden the original vibrancy of a city character, what better choice of words to call the destruction/redo than Vibrant!!


The Prague comparison is resible - I think that was about casting off the chains of the communard. This is the opposite having the few speak for the many.  Risible? Yes. And the irony of it all is completely lost on them.


Moncrieff and Tierney are no longer on city council. He lost his bid for re-election in Nov. and is a bitter sore loser. She is moving to Seattle, but still wants to control our town. This is just the same group of players who were formerly known as KLOG (Keep L.O. Great), trying to reinvent themselves. They lost long held power in Nov. and are desperate to get it back.   Prague Spring? Arab Spring? Really?


And of course these spendthrifts and egotistical peacocks miss the irony of holding their kick-off meeting in the building that was once Lake Oswego's largest property tax payer (Safeco). It was inbred corruption of the devoted 'public servant' class and phoney 'survey' they used to buy up that bargain property at the height of the market for over $20 million. Had LO government under Hammerstat and Hoffman been run like a private company the board would have removed them and their shifty allies for novice land speculation. We'll be paying off their lunacy for decades.

Its clear the public has strong opinions and the outcome of the November election in LO was a strong statement by the public in terms of direction.     We encourage members to read the entire blog post and the response to it in the link above.   

Please notify all members, contacts, and friends. 

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