Monday, July 7, 2014

Will Density Be The Issue of the Summer/Fall?

To All COLA LO Members,

The ongoing battle over the Wizer block continues this summer unabated by Lake Oswego's traditional "Summer vacation"  from the issues.   Historically residents have reduce the discourse during the summer on contentious issues in the public forum.   This no longer seems to be the case with the ongoing debate over "high density"  and the Wizer block development.  

Despite being in a city with road construction and new development in all areas citizens continue to vigorous debate the Wizer development.    While the developer Sticks to his vision many residents are either proponents No Armageddon or are vigorously opposing Where's the Beef? the project.

Many are asking why the community continues to debate the issue over the summer and does this portend of a deeply divisive battle in the fall election?   This certainly appears to be the case as three council positions will be up with only one incumbent up for reelection.

 Its notable that only one existing councilor as been reelected in the past two elections (Donna Jordan). While many thought the consternation in the community was over will this issue bring it back?  Time will tell but this certainly has to be on the mind of Councilor Jeff Gudman who is up for reelection in 2014.   It took him four attempts to be elected in 2010.  Will this be the issue that defines a make or break in 2014 only four years after being elected?

Many in the community believe that the discourse and some of the intensity of the debate are due solely to the hired political professionals employed by the developer.  These include both Len Bergstein and Elaine Franklin who were both instrumental in the anti streetcar effort two years ago.  

Please notify all members, contacts, and friends.  

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